by Laura Jubert
For this design proposal I decided to focus in the last steps of the coffee consumption chain, the waste that is produced after making coffee. Used coffee grounds and coffee waste in coffee shops and restaurants that go directly to the bin. My design concept pretends to use this waste to create a new material that can be used in the public space as urban furniture.
3D printing offers a lot of possibilities when working with new materials. It also allows to adapt the design fast and easily to shapes and to dimensions. I thought that uniting my design concept with 3d printing could be a way of reducing the pollution and extra cost of producing the urban furniture. Also, the project has a shape proposal, but It could be open to change and adapt to different spaces and needs.

This project showed in the video is an example of what can be done with waste (plastic waste in that case) and a 3d printer.

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I decided designing the “furniture” with modules as it has this element of playing. A simple shape from which you can create different spaces. This is a first draught of what could be done with this material and process, but it could be developed in shapes that are more ergonomic or organic.